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Riverside County Democratic Party Condemns the Murder of Alexei Navalny

Supports President Biden’s Actions to
Hold Putin Accountable


Riverside, CA – 02/21/24 – Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s death in prison on February 16, 2024 follows a long list of murders and suspicious deaths of opponents of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.  As stated in The Washington Post, since Putin came to power in 1999, more than 20 critics have been killed or died mysteriously.  Many others have survived assassination attempts.  The methods include poisonings, shootings, and plane crashes. Countless others languish in prisons.  At least 400 have been arrested for the ‘crime’ of placing flowers at memorials for Navalny.

This is what retribution looks like in a dictatorship.  Trump has declared on several occasions that “I will be dictator on day one” if re-elected president.  He also has proclaimed to his rapt MAGA audiences that “I am your retribution”.   And, he has openly stated that he wants the power to imprison those who oppose him just like Putin, further illustrating what the death of democracy looks like.

President Biden has stated unequivocally that he holds Putin responsible for Navalny’s death and that, on Friday, he will announce major new sanctions against him.  RCDP fully supports the President’s efforts to hold Putin accountable for his scurrilous actions.  This includes our support for the $95 billion aid package passed by the Senate that includes critical funding for Ukraine, but which has stalled in the House at the behest of Trump.  A recent Pew Research survey found that 74% of Americans support funding for Ukraine to fend off Russia’s aggression.  Why doesn’t Trump?

Navalny died for the idea of “a beautiful Russia of the future”, a phrase he popularized among the millions of his followers.  In the United States, our beautiful democracy is at grave risk at the hands of a would-be dictator and his followers in the Republican Party.  We have the responsibility to save this government for which so many died in so many wars to preserve the rule of law instead of the rule of one man.  The election is no longer about opposing parties, it’s about Freedom vs Fascism. We ask you to join us in our fight for freedom.  The time is now.