Return to RCDP 2021 Resolutions

Condemn Jan 6, 2021, U.S. Capitol Insurrection and Call for Immediate Disciplinary Repercussions

WHEREAS January 6, 2021, the violent attempted coup in Washington, DC, was propagated by insurrectionists from the entire country,  FBI has received calls from many different law enforcement agencies asking to investigate their personnel for possibly attending January 6th U.S. Capitol Riots; and

 WHEREAS FBI arrests and investigations are discovering many insurrectionists have ties to militia groups, and white supremacist terrorist groups, and those who subscribe to extremism and conspiracy theory groups such as QAnon; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Riverside County Democratic Party condemns the January 6th insurrection, and supports full background vetting and screening of all social media accounts belonging to California law enforcement agencies and relevant security personnel for subversive and seditious speech, such as, but not limited to, militia, white nationalists groups, and QAnon groups as they pose a national security threat.

LET IT FURTHER BE RESOLVED that the Riverside County Democratic Party calls for immediate disciplinary repercussions for the U.S. Law Enforcement and the U.S. Military personnel who have been found to have violated their oath.


Author(s): Sylvia Carrillo, Assembly District 42; Deidre Reyes, Assembly District 42; Vanessa Castro-Scott, Assembly District 42

Sponsored by: Riverside County Democratic Party, Pass Democratic Club

Passed by Riverside County Democratic Party 3/29/2021