Return to RCDP Resolutions 2023

Continue Efforts To Increase Racial Diversity After Affirmative Action Was Ended By The U.S. Supreme Court

WHEREAS the mostly white, conservative portion of the United States Supreme Court overturned Affirmative Action in college admissions on June 29, 2023; and

WHEREAS evidence indicates that Affirmative Action helped increase racial diversity in higher education and that its discontinuance in California’s institutions of higher education has resulted in lowered diversity in those institutions; and

WHEREAS historically, due to structural and institutional racism, schools have been an integral part of discrimination against people of color, and with the decimation of affirmative action they will have more freedom to do so again;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Riverside County Democratic Party (RCDP) supports the increase of racial diversity in all schools, to encompass K-12 and Higher Education because diversity makes us stronger; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Riverside County Democratic Party (RCDP) will support policies that increase racial diversity in all of its involvements and activities because RCDP knows that in a democracy diverse voices and perspectives improve the quality of life of all citizens.


Author(s): Sylvia Carrillo, AD 47

Sponsored By: Riverside County Democratic Party

Supporter(s): CDP Region 12 Caucus