Alternate Appointment Form
All RCDP members (Regular) for the term April 2025 to March 2028 must go to the following link and submit a completed form in order to appoint alternates:
riversidecostg · ·
All RCDP members (Regular) for the term April 2025 to March 2028 must go to the following link and submit a completed form in order to appoint alternates:
riversidecostg · ·
Riverside County Democratic Party (RCDP) dues are $50 from all members (Regular, ExOfficio. Alternate and Associate) for the term year of April 8, 2024, through March 31, 2025, regardless of the date of appointment or the date dues paid.
Furthermore, dues for members who change membership types, or are reappointed during the year, will not be transferable between categories or appointments and new Membership Dues shall be payable.
riversidecostg · ·
All RCDP members (Regular/Alternate/Associate) for the term April 2025 to March 2028, must go to the following link and submit a completed Membership form:
riversidecostg · ·
Membership in the Riverside County Democratic Party is determined by the by-laws of the RCDP and is composed of elected, appointed and ex-officio members.
There are seven (6) members who are elected from each Assembly District of Riverside County during presidential primary elections.
Elected Members who are appointed to fill a vacancy to one of the seven elected seats in an Assembly District voted by the Membership of that Assembly District.
Those who serve on RCDP by the virtue of holding a city or statewide office if registered as a Democrat in Riverside County.
A Democratic Club chartered by RCDP may designate an Associate Member, if you are a club president looking to designate an associate member, please fill out the application.
The RCDP Chair may also nominate Associate Members. The designations/nominations are subject to ratification of the RCDP Committee. They are non-voting members.
Any Regular Member in good standing (Elected, Appointed, or Ex-Officio) may appoint an Alternate Member, subject to the approval of the RCDP, who serve at the member’s pleasure.