Neighborhood Leader Program
Neighborhood Leader Program
The RCDP has established the Neighborhood Dems program to enlist passionate Democrats as Neighborhood Leaders. In this volunteer role, they serve as trusted advisors and mobilizers within their communities. This position empowers them to connect with fellow Democrats, encourage civic engagement, and boost voter turnout.
Neighborhood Dem Leaders work closely with the Riverside County Democratic Party’s Political Action Committee, spearheading organizing activities within their assigned precincts. By becoming Neighborhood Dem Leaders, they foster a stronger sense of community and drive positive change at the grassroots level.
Chartering Documents
Chartering Documents
2024 Democratic Club and Organization Charter Application Packet Information
All applications must be reviewed by the RCDP Vice-Chair and Credentials Committee before consideration
for approval by the RCDP. The review process takes approximately fifteen days to complete. Please allow
enough time for the committee to process the application.If you represent a Democratic club and want to be chartered by the Riverside County Democratic Party (RCDP), the following packet should answer all of your general questions about the chartering process and the necessary steps to successfully charter your organization.
More Governing Rules & Procedures
Quick Links to Voter Resources
Quick Links to Voter Resources
- Find Your Polling Location – Click Here
- Register to vote — Click Here
- Riverside County Registrar of Voters – Click Here
- Track Your Ballot – Click Here
More Voter Information
The Riverside County Democratic Party’s leadership and dedication inspires and empowers our members to make a meaningful impact in Riverside County and beyond.
2024-2028 Term RCDP Officers
Chair: Joy Silver
Vice Chair: Agi Kessler
Recording Secretary: Lanny Swerdlow
Controller: Beth Crawford
Corresponding Secretary: Lisa Andres
Parliamentarian: Open
Assembly District Leadership
Assembly District 36
- AD Chair: Steven Brooks
- AD Secretary: Edison Gomez-Kraus
Assembly District 47
- AD Chair: Mary Ann Andreas
- AD Secretary: Francisco Ramos
Assembly District 58
- AD Chair: Sheila Riley
- AD Secretary: Regina Stell
Assembly District 60
- AD Chair: Jorge Zavala
- AD Secretary: Dr. Stephanie Bruce
Assembly District 63
- AD Chair: Yousuf Bhaghani
- AD Secretary: Lisa Andres
Assembly District 71
- AD Chair: Eric Neils Hindes
- AD Secretary: Steven Schwartz